How to setup LoRa gateway with Raspberry Pi?


Required components
  • Raspberry Pi
  • SD card
  • RAK5146 PiHAT Kit for LoRaWAN
  • RAK5146 Concentrator SPI model

Raspberry Pi Setup
  • Set up your Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS.
  • To enable SSH on your Pi, as well as the SPI and I2C interfaces, follow these steps.
    • sudo raspi-config
    • Then go to , Interface Options -> Enable SSH, SPI, I2C

Install RAK common for gateway
  $ sudo apt update; sudo apt install git -y
  $ git clone ~/rak_common_for_gateway
  $ cd ~/rak_common_for_gateway
  $ sudo ./
Select hardware model : RAK5146 SPI

Configure gateway
  • sudo gateway-config
  • Setup RAK Gateway Channel Plan -> Server is Chirpstack -> Chipstack Channel-plan configurations -> IN_865_867 -> provide chirpstack server ip
  • If needed, you can change the wifi settings.
  • Create Gateway in Chirpstack.openiot using the gateway ID.
    • Get GatewayID:- sudo nano /opt/ttn-gateway/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/local_conf.json

Setup zerotier to make The IP static


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